31 Must-Read Self-Help Books for Women in Their 40s

Discover the best fiction books for women in their 40s. Explore must-read titles and good books every 40-year-old woman should enjoy.
When a female enters her 40s, you have already had a certain experience, and her thinking is slowly maturing. 

I have received many requests to recommend some of the books for women in their 40s. In response, I'm pleased to offer my expert recommendations which are based on my in-depth study and testing in this field. .

Some notable books every woman should read in her 40s include here: We Should All Be Feminists, The World According to Garp, Persepolis, Depression Hates a Moving Target, The Year of Magical Thinking, The 21-Day Financial Fast, and The Tipping Point.

These aren't the only books on this topic. Below, you'll find 31 books with detailed descriptions of each of these outstanding must-read resources, helping you make well-informed decisions to choosing fiction books for a 40-year-old woman.

A smiling 40-year-old woman posing behind a stack of books with her name on the covers at what appears to be a book signing or literary event.

Women in Their 40s: Transformative Reads for a New Chapter

1. We Should All Be Feminists

by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

A very short book, a Ted Talk speech.

Feminists are often regarded as a threat, and they may be prejudiced before they speak. The author adds a long embellishment to his feminist identity "Happy African Feminist Who Does Not Hate Men and Who Likes to Wear Lip Gloss and High Heels for Herself and Not For Men", in a misogynistic society, it is so difficult to speak.

The gender expectations mentioned in it are inspiring. Whether it is women being disciplined everywhere, or some existing stereotypes that women need to cater to if they want to achieve some goals (normal rights: such as being due respect) (for example, the author mentioned that they can dress solemnly instead of themselves when giving lectures for the first time) normal style, in order to be taken seriously), there are gender expectations at play.

Tradition and culture are often mentioned in conversations. Regarding this, the author said that culture does not make people. People make culture. If it is true that the full humanity of women is not our culture, then we can and must make it our culture. 

2. The World According to Garp

by John Irving

The World According to Garp by John Irving

The beginning of a good novel: "My father works for the Austrian Tourist Office." 

The beginning of a bad novel: " The boy is five. The cough seems to be deeper than his thin little chest."

For dung.
—"He has no more pure imagination."

"Greer Padzer's Boarding House" is even more important than the entire four or five hundred pages of "Gap". It is the best novel Irving has ever written. Interestingly, it was actually an exercise by the writer Garp.

Because of this great exercise, he married Helen, a beautiful reader who was addicted to books.

Owen was an outspoken writer, frequently handing out various fictional life awards to those who could write them. 

Garp wins the heart of a beautiful woman because of a novel, editor Woolf gets a good life because he knows a good book, Helen lives longer than anyone else because he never puts down the book, and Jenny is born without worry because of writing a heartfelt novel. 

The tongue-in-cheek little Allen was saved by writing poetry, and Garp's biographer was blessed by fate because of a pair of eyes that only good readers have.

He wrote that the TV flickering in the mansion late at night was as gloomy as cancer. He suspected that the TV would bring about the terminal illness of human beings.

Because people under the TV don't know how to read.

Owen writes about the world, but he can only see the one in the writer's eyes.

The world in Owen's eyes is like this.

Readers in a collectivist culture will find it difficult to understand Gap, let alone learn its attitude toward life. What is individualism? What is the American spirit? 

Especially on the cover, with a font size below the title, the introduction is written under the title: "I don't know what life is, but I just want a better life!" 

It seems quite enjoyable, but there is a sense of aimlessness Greed, and laxity. 

Only after reading this book and understanding the cultural differences in it can we truly experience the story of the Garp family.

3. Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood

by Marjane Satrapi

I know very little about the country of Iran, only oil, the Iran-Iraq War, and the spiritual leader Khamenei (because his name appears on the news every three to five days).

The protagonist of the story is a little girl (who should be the author himself). Through the description of her childhood life, it shows us the modern history of Iran.

It turns out that Iran is also a country full of disasters. In modern Iran, there were kings, prophets, revolutionaries, communists, and Marxists.

Due to the little girl's family background (grandfather is the son of the overthrown king) and conditions, she has access to all kinds of books (religious, revolutionary), and people with various political opinions in the family come to the door in turn. 

Influenced by my ears and eyes, coupled with the guidance of my parents (I am very happy about this point, for a child, it is not the best for him to hide everything), slowly, the little girl began to understand that her country is going through What a change.

For her, the first change was to wear a veil at school. (At this moment, I realized that it was only after the Islamic Revolution that Iranian women were forced to wear veils.) 

The little girl’s original ideal was to be a prophet, but gradually she knew Marx (the little girl actually had a comic strip called "Dialectical Materialism"), and Castro, knowing the ranks, the parades, and the massacres, and finally, she was disappointed in God. 

In the end, the little girl lost her way, and in the picture, she is wandering in the universe.

The whole book is a cartoon, not a line drawing, but similar to a print. There is only black and white, which seems to be a good title for this kind of semi-sad theme.

The author's purpose in writing this book is to introduce a real Iran to the world, instead of thinking of terrorism and religious fanatics when Iran is mentioned.

Everyone has a special feeling for their motherland. The author expresses his feelings through the little girl's eyes and mouth.

The author said in the preface that people can forgive, but they should never forget. It has been a long time since she left the place where she grew up, but her childhood memories are forever etched in her heart.

No one will ever forget where he grew up.

4. Depression Hates a Moving Target

by Nita Sweeney

"Depression Hates a Moving Target" by Nita Sweeney is a powerful memoir that explores the use of running as therapy for depression. 

The book received accolades, including a Maxwell Medallion from The Dog Writers Association of America. Sweeney shares her personal journey of overcoming depression through running, with the support of her canine companion. 

The author emphasizes the transformative power of running, highlighting its ability to reveal inner strength and provide a unique form of therapy. 

The book resonates with readers, particularly those facing similar challenges, as it offers relatable experiences and practical advice. 

Sweeney's narrative captures the struggles and triumphs of training for a marathon, while also addressing mental health issues. 

The book received positive feedback for its relatability and its ability to inspire readers to pursue their own running goals. 

Overall, "Depression Hates a Moving Target" is recommended for runners, writers, and individuals interested in mental health awareness, offering a heartfelt account of personal growth and resilience.

5. The Year of Magical Thinking

by Joan Didion

The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion

This is a record of her dialogue with her own soul. She wrote everything down when she experienced family changes that could completely break a woman, such as the loss of her husband and her daughter's critical illness. 

Sad and sincere. Fragmentary memories of forty years of living together, delicate and full of warmth: while mourning, there are many thoughts about life, death and disease, luck and misfortune, marriage, children and memory, grief, and life itself, and everything Behind it is a heart broken by true love.

The story is not coherent, you can't even treat it as a story, because it has no passionate plot, and no colorful writing, it's just a life encounter, when you have to face a fork, you have to do something. 

Perhaps, because of this, she chooses to think. She meets many people and things every day, and she writes down the trivial memories and past events brought up every day. 
"A few months after the night I needed to be alone so that he could come back, it was midsummer and I realized that there were many occasions from winter to spring where I couldn't think rationally. I thought like a child as if My thoughts or desires have the ability to reverse the event and change the outcome. In my case, this disordered thinking has been hidden. I don't think others notice it, not even myself. ; but looking back, it was always there, after all, it was always so obvious.”
It's such a straightforward book that it's even hard to find an adjective. She just thinks and writes. 

The author Joan Didion (Joan Didion, 1934- ), an American female writer with an independent personality, entered the literary world in the 1960s and has a prominent position in contemporary American literature. 

She has made great achievements in writing novels, essays, and plays, and has been rated as the greatest English essayist of our time. 

The novel was nominated for the National Book Award in the United States and was selected as one of the top 100 novels in the English-speaking world by Time magazine, which complements the works of Nabokov, Saul Bellow, and others.

After the book was published, American book critics gave it a high evaluation, and it was regarded as a classic of mourning literature.

6. The 21-Day Financial Fast

by Michelle Singletary

The 21-Day Financial Fast by Michelle Singletary

"The 21-Day Financial Fast" by Michelle Singletary is a transformative book that offers practical steps for achieving financial peace and freedom. 

Singletary, an award-winning writer, and Washington Post columnist presents a field-tested financial challenge where readers are encouraged to put away their credit cards and limit their purchases to essential items only. 

Through this fast, readers can break bad spending habits, create a plan to become debt-free, prepare for long-term care expenses, establish a financial safety net, and experience the power of financial peace. 

Although the book contains religious elements, the main message and financial advice can benefit individuals regardless of their beliefs. 

Many readers have reported positive outcomes, including overcoming debt, building savings, and changing their mindset about money. 

The book's emphasis on using cash and thoughtful spending has been found effective in changing spending behaviors and fostering a healthier financial approach. 

Despite the religious aspects, the book offers valuable insights and practical guidance for achieving financial freedom and is recommended for those seeking to improve their financial management skills.

7. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference

by Malcolm Gladwell

This book is a brilliant work by Malcolm Gladwell, a staff writer for The New Yorker magazine. 

Starting from the study of sudden popular trends in society, he explored control science and marketing models from a new perspective. 

He believes that ideas, behaviors, information, and products often spread like infectious disease outbreaks, spreading rapidly. 

Just as a sick person can cause a city-wide flu; a single employee can start a crime wave in the subway if a single employee fights a customer, or a few graffiti lovers can't control themselves; a satisfied customer returns It also fills newly opened restaurants. 

These phenomena are all "social epidemics", and the moment it erupts, that is, the moment it reaches a critical level, is a tipping point.

Gladwell interviewed religious groups, successful high-tech companies, and the world's best salesmen. 

In the book, he analyzed several personality traits that are conducive to creating popular trends and analyzed various highly infectious events, such as Various fads, smoking phenomena, children's television, commercial mailing advertisements, etc., and clarified the fuse behind them. 

Extensive, illuminating research reveals the principles and methods for starting an epidemic and keeping it going. 

For business leaders, artists, thinkers, and designers, this book can help you find a new way of expanding your influence and spreading your ideas.

"Tipping Point" can be described as an intellectual adventure memory, full of wit and appeal, making people feel the charm and joy of thinking. 

What is more important is that this book is like a mind navigation map, allowing people to see a new way of expanding thinking, and I believe that as long as an imaginative person can find the tipping point, he will be able to open a world full of surprises.

8. The Purpose-Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For?

by Rick Warren

The Purpose-Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? by Rick Warren

"The Purpose Driven Life" is a bestselling nonfiction book that serves as a road map for one's spiritual journey, with practical steps and daily meditations designed to be read over 42 days. 

It explores important questions about existence, significance, and purpose. 

The book includes additional resources such as video introductions and audio Bible study messages for each chapter. 

Written by Rick Warren, a renowned spiritual leader, the book has sold over 35 million copies and offers insights into living a purposeful life. 

However, some readers criticize the author's selective approach to affirming certain beliefs while being anti-LGBTQ and anti-women's rights. 

Despite this, many find the book valuable and recommend it for its simplicity in understanding and applying biblical principles. 

It emphasizes the importance of aligning oneself with God's purposes, finding fulfillment, and living a life of charity and service. 

Readers appreciate the book's ability to provide comfort and guidance amidst a stressful world. 

While some perceive a cult-like tone and a focus on church growth and finances, others believe it offers valuable concepts like generosity, community, and unconditional love. 

Overall, the book has had a significant impact on readers, helping them discover their purpose and understand God's perspectives, regardless of their religious background.

9. White Teeth

by Zadie Smith

Sometimes when I look at a photo album, I find that I have completely forgotten the image of myself many years ago in the photo album, and I conclude that it is because of too many changes. 

The whole book reveals a kind of British culture. He is not writing about the British aristocracy, nor is it a purely poor life. 

Coincidentally, two of the three families are filled with different skin colors, religions, and beliefs, while the other family resolutely implements their own family's unique "Chalfenism" both in terms of lifestyle and behavior. 

The development of each character in the story is stable, but in the end, you just can’t see their original shadows, and looking back at their appearance when they appeared on the stage, it’s like looking at previous photo albums to find everyone’s lost personality.

As the book says, before telling an ancient story, each character must be put back into the stomach one by one like a Russian nesting doll. 

Thinking about it the other way around, as long as there is a mistake in one link, everything will be different again. 

The intricate religion, ethics, science, and emotions are stripped layer by layer in the book put before your eyes and then kneaded together to become this novel. 

Various religious beliefs survived together in that era, each fighting for its own status, and each religion also wanted to occupy other people's minds and influence other people's cultures. 

Generations of people quarreled desperately for the generation gap between them, and in order to prove themselves right, all kinds of emotions were intertwined and formed souls one after another. There are several very different ways of life in one family.

The world in the book is really dazzling, and you can experience different cultures in different periods from page to page.

10. Persuasion

by Jane Austen

Annie struggled between the wishes of relatives and friends and her own love and then waited silently for eight years. 

She thought he would never appear again, she thought she could forget him, she thought that when they met again, she would be calm. 

However, everything is not as she imagined. They met, her mood was surging, she was at a loss, she often thought of his words and deeds, and she secretly paid attention to him. She still loves him.

Eight years ago, when the colonel was not a colonel, he fought for the cause with that broken heart. Eight years later, he returned proudly with honors and money. He had thought that he would continue to hate her and despise her. 

However, he still couldn't face her calmly despite the weather. He forgives her, he praises her, he envies her suitor. He also still loves her.

Their love revived between the eyebrows. They don't need to talk to each other often, they don't have sweet love words, and their attitude towards each other is not much better than that of strangers. However, their tacit understanding is unmatched. Their love can transcend these eight years of pain.

 What is true love? In front of others, they are calm, insightful, brave, and full of wisdom. But in front of their true feelings, they are still young children, so innocent.

If someone asks, is their eight years worth the wait? They don't know that they will meet again, and they don't believe that the other party still loves them. They ask themselves to forget the other party. If so, why did they keep waiting?

I believe that they let themselves wait deep in their hearts (subconscious), or in other words, they were arranged by God to meet again.

11. It’s Called a Breakup Because It’s Broken

by Greg Behrendt and Amiira Ruotola-Behrendt

Greg Behrendt and his wife, Amiira, present a humorous and helpful guide in "It's Called a Breakup Because It's Broken." 

This book offers advice and insights for those going through a breakup, emphasizing the importance of moving on and reclaiming one's inner strength. 

The authors draw from their personal experiences and provide practical exercises to help readers process their emotions and heal. 

Despite similarities to Greg's previous book, the reviewer finds this one insightful, funny, and compassionate. 

The book addresses different aspects of breakups, including understanding the ex-partner's perspective, and offers a fresh perspective on recovery. 

The reviewer appreciates the book's impact on their own breakup journey and recommends it as a valuable resource. 

They emphasize the need to read the entire book before forming an opinion. 

While the reviewer acknowledges that Greg's advice may not cover all scenarios and lacks focus on reconciling, they recognize its relevance for those dealing with emotionally unavailable partners. 

The book reminds readers of their worth and encourages them to focus on personal growth and attracting healthy love. 

The reviewer shares their own story of heartbreak, highlighting how the book helped them gain clarity and regain their self-worth. 

Overall, they consider it a highly effective guide for navigating breakups and thank the authors for their support.

12. #GirlBoss

by Sophia Amoruso 

I have heard a little about the story of "Girl Boss" and Sofia's life transformation, and I have watched Netflix's drama "Girl Boss" adapted from her family history (it turns out that this is a bad drama, I wanted to watch it. 

Inspirational stories, as a result, the plots all show how Sophia reached the pinnacle of life through stealth), I hope to learn some inspirational philosophy of life from this book.

This is probably an honest autobiography of a successful person. Between the lines, Sophia did not cover up her sneaky and surviving past in any way and also made it clear that she did not have any pride in her "sinful" past. 

Sophia is not self-righteous, she puts herself in the same identity and position as any reader, shares her transformation and success stories like a friend, and infects every heart with her struggle history from a homeless man to a CEO. 

Aspiring women, and called such a group of women "Girl Boss" (Girl Boss).

Sophia used her personal experience to tell every woman that as long as she can actively change her mind, take every matter in her career seriously, and keep learning diligently, no matter what her background is, everyone will achieve something. 

On the way to achieving your ideal career, you will attract people who are equally motivated and forge ahead, and you will meet fellow travelers who can support each other to achieve your ideals. 

The most important thing is to be selfless, maintain enthusiasm, believe in yourself, and do it now.

An idle hippie can transform into a rigorous and progressive female boss, why can't I?

It can be said that this type of inspirational book is scarce in the market because there are very few young and promising female entrepreneurs, not to mention what kind of excellent role models young girls can have to motivate them to move forward. 

Sofia Amoruso, the face of this emerging group, can set the benchmark for an era that lacks role models of success for girls through her uplifting life story. 

I believe that under her influence, more young and promising female entrepreneurs will emerge and follow in her footsteps to influence more young girls.

13. Lean In

by Sheryl Sandberg
Lean In  by Sheryl Sandberg

As one of the most successful women in the world, Sheryl Sandberg deeply analyzes the root cause of the inequality between men and women in this book, and unlocks the code of women's success! 

She believes that the reason why women do not have the courage to join the leadership and dare not let go to pursue their dreams is more due to inner fear and lack of self-confidence. 

In the book, she encourages all women to boldly "sit at the table", actively participate in dialogues and discussions, and express their thoughts. 

At the same time, she also put forward the following success codes for women, encouraging women to accept challenges bravely and pursue their life goals with enthusiasm.

1. Take a step forward and be brave

Usually, women will unconsciously hinder their own development, lower their expectations, and even easily give up their jobs and the possibility of greater achievements. Compared with men, women's attitudes in the workplace are still not positive and aggressive.

2. Work-life balance

Partner support is very important. The saying that women can reach the pinnacle of their careers only by leaving their families behind is not true. It turns out that the vast majority of successful women have a life partner who is quite supportive of their careers.

3. Have a more open mind

Women should be more open to career challenges. If a job allows her to learn new skills and be happier and more satisfied, it means she is developing self-improvement.

Only by taking a step forward and bravely "LEAN IN" can women realize their potential, achieve a double balance between career and family, and enjoy a successful and happy life. 

14. Americanah

by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

This book is roughly divided into four stages. 
  • The first stage is when Ifemelu was in high school, 
  • the second stage is when she first arrived in the United States, 
  • the third stage is when she gradually settled down in American society, and 
  • the last stage is When she chose to return to Nigeria.
Objectively speaking, each stage has its own characteristics, but subjectively speaking, my personal favorite is the second stage, that is, she came to the United States alone, from the yearning for infinite possibilities at the beginning to deep depression Struggling in reality, she finally compromised in an instant. 

I think that day should stay with her forever, the strange tennis coach and the self-loathing that made her sick. But at that moment she did compromise, just like thousands of desperate people in real life.

One of the things I really like about this stage of the story is that it's so authentic, unlike her in Stage 3, she's more of an adolescent rebel, with a sharp attitude looking for all the racial aspects of her life contradiction. 

She looks for contradictions in white people, in her African-American boyfriends, and in immigrants who have not escaped their Nigerian background. 

These contradictions may be true or false, but from a certain point of view, I think it is also a kind of prejudice from her own, a level of thought that can never transcend race. 

It was more like she was constantly reminded of her ethnicity than the white guy, his boyfriend, or the Nigerian immigrant at the hair salon.

Regardless, the book's angles are interesting and engaging, especially for someone with a similar experience to me. 

Ifemelu in the book has a slightly embarrassing identity. Using a word I summed up, it can be called a 1.5-generation immigrant.

This generation lives between the mainstream society and the immigrant generation. 

They may have grown up in a foreign country, or they immigrated abroad with their parents when they were around ten years old, but most of them have a very traditional family background and have experienced traditional family education. 

Such a growth process prevents them from fully integrating into the mainstream local population, and they also cannot get along well with the so-called overseas students and first-generation immigrants.

They enjoy this unique advantage - they can speak two or more languages ​​and have a good understanding of two cultures. 

At the same time, they also have to bear the burden brought about by these advantages parents have higher than average expectations and requirements for them, as well as the suppression from traditional culture.

In such an embarrassing position where I can advance or retreat but cannot really belong to a group, the 1.5th-generation immigrants have formed their own group. 

However, being in this awkward group, I sometimes have a hard time regarding myself and the future position of this group in society. It can also be unpredictable.

So when faced with some of Ifemelu's thoughts in the book, I can also smile with deep understanding, which may be the main reason why this book moved me.

15. Everything I Never Told You 

by Celeste Ng

Everything I Never Told You  by Celeste Ng

"Everything I Never Told You" is a gripping and heartbreaking debut novel by Celeste Ng. 

Set in 1970s small-town Ohio, it follows the Lee family, a Chinese American family, as they face the tragedy of their favorite child, Lydia, being found dead in a local lake. 

The novel explores the secrets and tensions within the family, as well as the pressures and expectations placed on Lydia by her parents. 

James, consumed by guilt, embarks on a self-destructive path, while Marilyn is determined to find someone to blame. 

The youngest daughter, Hannah, may hold the key to the truth. The story delves into the complexities of family, culture, and the struggle for understanding. 

Ng's writing is beautifully crafted, and the characters are deeply developed. 

The book is a poignant portrayal of the consequences of parental expectations and the search for connection within a family. 

Overall, "Everything I Never Told You" is a powerful and unforgettable read.

16. The Goldfinch 

by Donna Tartt

The Goldfinch  by Donna Tartt

A famous contemporary female writer in the United States, born in 1963, grew up in Grenada, Mississippi, wrote her first poem at the age of five, and published her first sonnet at the age of thirteen. 

In 1981, he attended the University of Mississippi and later transferred to Bellington College. 

When he was a freshman, he was noticed for his writing talent and was accepted into the graduate class of short story course by the famous writer Barry Hannah. Hanna called him "a rare genius, a literary star".

On average, Donna Tate only completes one novel every ten years, and has only published three novels so far: "The Secret History of the School", "Little Friends" and "The Goldfinch". 

These three works are well-received, best-selling, and long-selling, and the copyrights have been sold in more than 30 countries and regions, which established her position in the literary world. 

In 2014, Tate was named to Time magazine's "100 Most Influential People of the Year."

Tate believes that crafting sentences—the right words, the right metaphors—is the deepest form of satisfaction in writing. 

Writing is an "immersive experience". Writing a book that makes you addicted can enter a very different world.

"The Goldfinch" is the third novel of Donna Tate, published eleven years after the publication of her previous work "Little Friends", swept the bestseller lists in many countries around the world, and won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and many other honors.

17. Beloved

by Toni Morrison

Beloved by Toni Morrison

Either love or not love, weak love is not love at all!

The words behind the book shocked me a lot at first, what kind of extreme and strong love is this, the loved one must be very happy. . .

I read it slowly but I don't quite agree with it. This kind of love is too controlling and oppressive, and the loved one must be very painful. If it wasn't for such a strong love, would Beloved go away with more peace of mind? Her Will the soul find a better home than a tangled rebirth tragedy. 

Every day before taking a nap, I leaned on the bed and turned a few pages, and slowly finished reading. Of course, the quality of my nap has also improved a lot. 

I was a little impatient when I saw the second half, chattering endlessly, maybe I read too many tear-jerking stories. 

I once discussed this book with my classmates, and I firmly said that if I were her, I would definitely kill myself. The classmate smiled and said nothing, perhaps thinking that I was a little ridiculous. 

Later, I also felt a little sad, killed myself, and then. . . There are also children who are waiting to be fed, a husband who has no news, and an elderly mother-in-law, which is too embarrassing. 

Suddenly, the idea that you shouldn't have children, you shouldn't get married, you shouldn't fall in love, you shouldn't, you shouldn't. . .

But it was too extreme, and she suddenly became the brown-skinned girl in Morrison's "The Bluest Eye", a well-behaved girl all her life, without love or desire. . .

18. Mistakes I Made at Work

by Jessica Bacal

Mistakes I Made at Work  by Jessica Bacal

Success cannot be replicated, but mistakes can be learned.

Even a big mistake that cannot be undone at the moment is the starting point to recognize the weakness and reverse the direction.

The frank sharing of 25 models in various fields shows the way to grow from mistakes and move on.

Everyone inevitably makes mistakes that seem irreparable. I almost lost my job because I spoke too bluntly; I started to doubt my potential because I chose the wrong industry and couldn’t show my strength; 

I presided over an important meeting for the first time, but my mind went blank due to nervousness on the spot, and I was embarrassed in front of everyone, etc. How should we deal with these mistakes? After making a mistake, how to overcome the psychological barrier and continue to improve?

Being wrong is sad, even embarrassing, but being wrong is not failure. This is easy to say, but not easy to do.

Everyone talks about success, but few people are willing to disclose their mistakes and how to get out of the lingering shadow of mistakes in their minds.

The author of this book is Jessica, director of Smith College in the United States. Buckle, Smith College is one of the famous schools of the Seven Sisters in the United States with a long history. 

It has trained two outstanding people such as the First Lady of the United States and the famous poet Plath. Physicist Wu Jianxiong also taught at Smith.

As the director of Smith's Career Center, Barker is in contact with the best role models from all walks of life every day. 

From her years of teaching and workplace experience, she found that the most outstanding elites also make mistakes. 

The key to success is not zero failure, but the ability to Understand the ability to grow.

Therefore, we should not only confine ourselves to successful experiences, but neglect to reflect on the precious lessons we have learned from making mistakes.

She has collected 25 true stories about "learning from mistakes" in fields such as financial consultants, scientific research, medical frontlines, education and culture, and finding the motivation to move forward in life, including the best-selling book at that Time. 

They frankly and truthfully share all kinds of sad levels in the workplace, so that readers can see how to define their own value, how to refuse to let mistakes become stumbling blocks, and how to turn losses into gains.

No matter you are a newcomer who is not clear about the sense of proportion, is troubled by being unable to say no, always doubts whether you are suitable for the job, or has a shadow of frustration lingering in your heart, you can read from this book how other people have gone through The experience gives yourself the motivation to keep going.

19. The Queen’s Code

by Alison Armstrong

The Queen’s Code  by Alison Armstrong

"The Queen's Code" is a transformative book that challenges the traditional war between the sexes. 

It presents a fresh perspective on men's behavior and offers a new approach to interacting with them. 

The author, Alison A. Armstrong, draws from her extensive experience in coaching and understanding men to provide valuable insights. 

Readers testify to the positive impact of the book on their relationships, noting significant improvements and newfound understanding. 

The book is praised for its narrative style and engaging storytelling, making it both enjoyable and memorable. 

Some reviewers recommend reading the author's previous book, "Keys to the Kingdom," as a foundation before diving into "The Queen's Code." 

Overall, the book is highly recommended for those seeking to enhance their understanding and communication with men, as it offers valuable wisdom and a shift in perspective.

20. Teaching Kids to Buy Stocks

by J.J. Wenrich 

"Teaching Kids to Buy Stocks" is a book that emphasizes the importance of collective effort in equipping today's youth for success. 

It encourages not only parents but also grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, friends, and neighbors to play a role in educating and preparing the younger generation. 

The author, J.J., shares his experience of teaching his own children about saving and investing in stocks. 

The book simplifies the complexities of the stock market, making it accessible for anyone to understand and teach. 

It aims to provide both entertainment and education for readers at any stage of their investing journey. 

While some reviewers were initially cautious due to their lack of knowledge about stocks, they found the book helpful in gradually grasping the concepts. 

It's worth noting that the book is not specifically designed for children, but it offers valuable insights for both kids and adults. 

Reviewers with finance experience appreciated the unique perspectives and practical advice presented, which focused on understanding businesses and making investing relatable. 

Overall, readers highly recommended "Teaching Kids to Buy Stocks" for its engaging and informative content, considering it a valuable resource for learning about the complex world of investing.

21. How to Think Strategically 

by Greg Githens

How to Think Strategically  by Greg Githens

"How to Think Strategically" is a comprehensive guide that helps readers develop their strategic thinking skills and make a significant impact. 

The book emphasizes the importance of being a competent strategic thinker, who can navigate ambiguity, identify weak signals, and address core challenges. 

It offers real-world examples and practical lessons that can be applied in various organizational and personal contexts. 

The author's extensive experience in corporate management, education, and coaching adds credibility to the book. 

While the content can be dense and pedantic at times, the depth of thinking and foundational knowledge make it a valuable resource. 

The book covers essential topics such as the 20 micro-skills of strategic thinking, posing high-quality questions, crafting effective strategies, and overcoming decision traps. 

It also explores the distinction between strategic thinking and operational thinking. 

The author's enthusiasm and the book's rich content make it a recommended read for anyone seeking to enhance their strategic thinking abilities.

22. State of Wonder

by Ann Patchett 

Marina Singh, a research scientist at Vogel Pharmaceutical Institute, is in love with her boss, Mr. Fox. 

She is sent to the Amazon to investigate the death of a colleague and retrieve his belongings. 

The research team in the jungle is studying a substance that enables women to conceive late into middle age. 

Marina faces numerous challenges, including malaria, obstacles, and threats from the natives. 

Eventually, she succeeds in rescuing her colleagues and experiences personal growth. 

The book explores moral dilemmas and the complexities of human nature. The story is filled with surprises, adventure, and vivid descriptions of the Amazon rainforest. 

While the plot has some implausibilities and flat characters, it provides a rich sense of a foreign environment and offers thought-provoking insights. 

Despite its flaws, "State of Wonder" is an engaging and enjoyable read, showcasing the author's talent for nuanced storytelling.

23. Hannah Coulter

by Wendell Berry 

"Hannah Coulter" by Wendell Berry is a nostalgic novel that tells the story of Hannah, an elderly woman who reflects on her love for the land and her community. 

Set in a time when family farming is threatened by modern technologies, Hannah's grandson, Virgil, returns to their rural home to work the farm, bringing hope for their way of life. 

The book explores themes of pride in one's roots, family loyalty, and the value of hard work. 

Through Hannah's voice, the author evokes a sense of gratitude and resilience. 

Wendell Berry's skillful writing brings the characters to life and prompts readers to reflect on their own lives. 

While the nonlinear storytelling style may not appeal to everyone, the book offers depth and passages worth savoring. 

"Hannah Coulter" is an honest and touching novel that delves into the meaning of life and our connections to the past. 

Overall, they consider the book wonderful, describing it as a slow, sweet, and bittersweet story that imparts wisdom applicable to the present.

24. The Girl With All the Gifts

by M. R. Carey 

"The Girl with All the Gifts" is a sensational thriller recommended for fans of Stephen King, Justin Cronin, and Neil Gaiman. 

The story is set in a post-apocalyptic world where a zombie fungus infection has devastated the Earth. 

Melanie, a polite and curious girl, is locked in a bunker with other children and receives daily education. 

She forms a deep bond with her teacher, Miss Justineau, but the soldiers and Sergeant Parks mistrust the children. 

Dr. Caldwell sees Melanie as a valuable test subject for finding a cure. 

As a disaster strikes the military base, Melanie and a few caretakers desperately escape. 

The novel raises thought-provoking questions about the ethics of using infected children as autopsy samples and sacrificing them for a potential antidote. 

While the story structure is simple, with one narrative line and five characters, the plot remains remarkable. 

The emotional depth and cruelty leave a lasting impact. The ending delves into the essence of self and earth's innovation, although it can be seen as dark. 

The book explores the idea that zombies can possess humanity and even establish civilization, challenging the notion of human superiority. 

Despite some loopholes, the novel offers an exciting portrayal of the end of the world and human nature. Overall, "The Girl with All the Gifts" is highly recommended.

25. The Secret Scripture

by Sebastian Barry 

Personally, I really like works that interpret personal experiences with a period of national or ethnic history. 

It feels more grand and grand, and it is easier to feel the precariousness and helplessness of individuals in the big history, and it is easier to find The content hidden outside the canon, and so on.

In many masterpieces, the monologues of idiots, mental patients, and even the dead are also very distinctive, such as "The Sound and the Fury" and "My Name Is Red". 

In this book, a manuscript confession of a mentally ill patient (actually a centenarian whose psychology has been "distorted" by long-term religious and political persecution) appears.
On one side is the rambling confession of a "slut" who has been detained in a mental hospital for a long time, and on the other side is the conclusive testimony of a religious priest with social status, which one is true and which one is false, and which ones are framed, persecuted and abused by others. 

Which parts of the century-old man who is suffering from pain would rather forget or modify his memory...
After reading this novel, I feel the vicissitudes of a country and an old man for a century, and I feel a burst of emotion in my heart, maybe every life is not perfect, but All are worthy of respect. 

What is the individual in tumultuous history? What am I who writes this book review or you who read this book review in the 21st century?

26. Family Trust

by Kathy Wang

"Family Trust" by Kathy Wang is a family drama set in the Bay Area and Silicon Valley. 

The story revolves around Stanley Huang, a Taiwanese man diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and his relationships with his ex-wife, Linda, his children Fred and Kate, and his second wife, Mary. 

As Stanley's death approaches, the Huang family begins to question the reality of Stanley's supposed wealth. 

The novel explores the contrast between expectations and reality, satirizing the excesses of Silicon Valley and reflecting on the obligations we have towards our families. 

The book has received mixed reviews, with some praising its portrayal of complex family dynamics and cultural elements, while others found the characters unlikable and the story lacking humor. 

The narrative delves into the intricacies of the Huang family's relationships and their experiences in the competitive world of Silicon Valley, with Linda playing a central role. 

The book examines the concept of "family trust" in both its literal and figurative senses, offering a well-told story with relatable characters. 

Although some readers enjoyed the book's authenticity and the exploration of familial bonds, others found it disappointing and lacking entertainment value.

27. Inheritance from Mother

by Minae Mizumura

"Mitsuki Katsura, a French-language instructor in Tokyo, is struggling with her husband's affair and caring for her demanding mother. 

She dreams of finding fulfillment in her middle age while ensuring her mother's happiness. 

Inheritance from Mother delves into the complexities of Japanese culture, exploring themes of mother-daughter relationships, marriage, old age, and women's resilience. 

Although the novel's newspaper format led to some repetition, it offers a profound examination of Mitsuki's challenges. 

The story unfolds through 66 short chapters, capturing the strengths and weaknesses of the narrative structure. 

The book provides insight into Japanese life and resonates with readers facing similar situations. 

It also showcases the protagonist's journey of self-discovery during a vacation. 

Despite minor flaws, the novel's uniqueness and portrayal of Japanese culture make it recommendable."

28. The Leisure Seeker

by Michael Zadoorian 

"The Leisure Seeker" by Michael Zadoorian is an unforgettable cross-country journey of a runaway couple in their twilight years. 

Ella and John Robina, married for over 50 years, embark on a road trip in their RV. Ella, battling cancer, has chosen to forgo treatment, while John grapples with Alzheimer's. 

They escape the control of their adult children and doctors, seeking a forbidden vacation along Route 66. Their aim is not to find America but to reconnect with their own fading memories. 

Ella's determination and spirit shine through as they encounter various challenges and reflect on their lives, love, and the loss of friends. 

The book masterfully captures the bittersweet realities of aging and explores themes of love, mortality, and the pursuit of freedom. 

Zadoorian's writing skillfully balances humor and poignancy, with Ella's character particularly standing out for her strength and wisdom. 

While the book may appeal more to older readers, its profound storytelling resonates with anyone. 

Overall, "The Leisure Seeker" offers a touching and thought-provoking experience, evoking laughter and tears along the way.

29. The Murder at the Vicarage

by Agatha Christie 

The Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie

"The Mystery of the Apartment" is a thought-provoking story that challenges common assumptions and showcases the psychological secrets behind a murder. 

While the book boasts unique techniques, its plot layout receives criticism for being overly lengthy. 

Nevertheless, Agatha Christie's talent for crafting intriguing mysteries shines through, making "The Murder at the Vicarage" an excellent introduction to her works. 

The story unfolds from the perspective of the vicar, providing a different narrative approach compared to TV adaptations. 

The book offers a charming English village setting, filled with gossip and secrets, and keeps readers engaged with its intricate plot. 

The review praises Christie's ability to create complex characters and mysteries without resorting to graphic violence or explicit language. 

The murder at the vicarage serves as a window into the social dynamics and intrigues of a bygone era. 

Clues are cleverly hidden in plain sight, inviting readers to solve the mystery alongside Miss Marple. 

Overall, the novel offers an enjoyable and immersive reading experience, particularly for fans of classic murder mysteries.

30. The Summer Book

by Tove Jansson 

"The Summer Book" by Tove Jansson is a collection of twenty-two vignettes that capture the essence of summer through the story of six-year-old Sophia and her wise and unsentimental grandmother. 

Set on a small island in the Gulf of Finland, the novel explores their companionship as they explore nature, discuss life's big questions, and engage in forbidden adventures. 

Jansson, known for her Moomintroll comic strip, draws from her own experiences living on a similar island, creating a vivid and intimate portrayal of summer. 

The book is a blend of simple prose and rich characterization, celebrating the love between a granddaughter and her grandmother. 

While lacking a traditional plot, the episodic nature of the book immerses readers in the beauty of nature and the genuine relationship between the characters. 

Through Jansson's skillful storytelling, readers are invited into a world forgotten by many but cherished through the lens of memory. 

This heartfelt and uplifting book is a delight for those seeking a genuine and memorable reading experience.

31. This Is Your Life, Harriet Chance!

by Jonathan Evison 

"This Is Your Life, Harriet Chance!" by Jonathan Evison is a poignant novel that follows the life of Harriet Chance, a seventy-eight-year-old woman who embarks on an Alaskan cruise after her husband's death. 

The journey becomes an unexpected exploration of Harriet's past and a confrontation with the truths that shaped her life. 

Evison presents a bittersweet tale of a complex mother-daughter relationship and the search for acceptance, forgiveness, and self-discovery. 

The narrative alternates between Harriet's present-day experiences and flashbacks from her childhood to old age, skillfully portraying the disordered process of a life review. 

Through the use of literary devices, Evison invites readers to delve into Harriet's mind and question her identity and the control she has over her own story. 

While the book's format may be unconventional, it offers an intimate portrayal of a relatable protagonist and thought-provoking insights into the human experience. 

Despite the occasional confusion caused by the shifting timelines, the story is engaging and provides both humor and emotional depth. 

Overall, "This Is Your Life, Harriet Chance!" showcases Evison's talent for capturing life's complexities and offers a unique reading experience.

Women should read the best fiction & non-fiction in their 40s



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