1. Business Law

Business Law by Robert W. Emerson J.D.
Titles in Barron’s Business Review series are widely used as classroom supplements to college textbooks and often serve as the main textbook in business brush-up programs.
Business Law focuses on the importance of legal theory in the everyday business world, explaining such subjects as tort responsibility, government regulations, contracts, environmental law, product liability, consumer protection, and international law, among many other topics.
Also discussed in detail are the legal aspects of partnerships, franchises, and corporations, as well as special topics that include business crimes, property as a legal concept, intellectual property, and similar pertinent topics.
A study aid labeled Key Terms appears at the beginning of each chapter, and You Should Remember summaries are strategically interspersed throughout the text.
Quotes from the Book;
“Most Civil Law nations follow the inquisitorial approach for their trials. This means there is an inquiry into the facts, directed from above, by the judge or magistrate.”
“All government, both state and federal, operates through agencies which are generally legislatively created. These agencies are given carefully drawn duties and responsibilities among which are the duties to promulgate rules and regulations, a quasi-legislative function.”
“The vast majority of disputes are settled out of court. Most do not even reach the point where a suit is actually filed. If a complaint is filed, settlement usually occurs before trial.”
“In the United States, as in England, decisions handed down by federal and state courts, that is, case law, constitute a primary source of the common law.”
2. Business Law Today
Cengage Advantage Books: Business Law Today, The Essentials: Text and Summarized Cases by Roger LeRoy Miller
Interesting, clear, and applied, BUSINESS LAW TODAY, THE ESSENTIALS: TEXT AND SUMMARIZED CASES, 11E is your concise guide to the law and what it means in the business world -- from contracts and secured transactions to warranties and government regulations.
Easy to understand with an engaging writing style that is matched by vibrant visuals, BUSINESS LAW TODAY: THE ESSENTIALS includes coverage of contemporary topics that impact not only the business world but also your own life.
Examine the financial crisis and its impact on business law identity theft, immigration law, or diversity issues. Fascinating features and intriguing cases highlight the practicality of the concepts you are learning. Numerous learning support resources provide tools that address various learning styles.
Quotes from the Book;
“Although the law has various definitions, all of them are based on the general observation that law consists of enforceable rules governing relationships among individuals and between individuals and their society.”
“Today, in most states, the courts of law and equity have merged, and thus the distinction between the two courts has largely disappeared.”
“Laws that govern business in the United States have their origin in the lawmaking authority granted by the U.S. Constitution, which is the supreme law in this country.”
“Political speech by corporations also falls within the protection of the First Amendment.”
3. Business Law: Text and Cases

Business Law: Text and Cases by Kenneth W. Clarkson, Roger LeRoy Miller, Frank B. Cross
Comprehensive, authoritative, and reader-friendly, market-leader BUSINESS LAW: TEXT AND CASES delivers an ideal blend of classic "black letter law" and cutting-edge coverage of contemporary issues and cases. Today, BUSINESS LAW, 14E continues to set the standard for excellence.
The text offers a strong student orientation that makes the law accessible, interesting, and relevant. The cases, content, and features are thoroughly updated to represent the latest developments in business law. Cases range from precedent-setting landmarks to important recent decisions.
Ethical, global, e-commerce, digital, and corporate themes are integrated throughout this edition with new features, such as new Digital Updates that demonstrate how digital progress is affecting the law.
Specific text features that students will find particularly helpful include NUMBERED EXAMPLES and CASE IN POINTS, SAMPLE ANSWERS, NEW STUDENT-FRIENDLY CONCEPT SUMMARY DESIGN, and EXHIBITS.
Quotes from the Book;
“The study of business law and the legal environment of business has universal applicability.”
“Laws and government regulations affect almost all business activities-from hiring and firing decisions to workplace safety, the manufacturing and marketing of products, business financing, and more.”
“Because of our colonial heritage, much of American law is based on the English legal system.”
“Positive law, or national law, is the written law of a given society at a particular time.”
“The historical school of legal thought emphasizes the evolutionary process of law by concentrating on the origin and history of the legal system.”
4. International Business Law and Its Environment

International Business Law and Its Environment by Richard Schaffer, Filiberto Agusti, Lucien J. Dhooge
Today, no business is purely domestic. Even the smallest local firms are affected by global competition and world events.
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LAW AND ITS ENVIRONMENT, 10E delivers complete, reader-friendly coverage of the legal implications and ramifications of doing business internationally.
You examine the cultural, political, economic, and ethical issues today's global business managers face. With a focus on trade, the licensing of intellectual property, and foreign direct investment, you examine the three major forms of doing business in a foreign country.
Real examples, precedent-setting cases, managerial implications, and ethical considerations show how to apply key principles.
From the legal relationship between parties in an international business transaction to managing risk to the special challenges of conducting business in emerging economies, this edition helps you understand the most common practices and critical issues in global business law.
Quotes from the Book;
“It has been said that America’s interest in international education has peaked and ebbed with the changing tide of the American political climate, rising in times of economic expansion and ebbing during periods of political isolation or economic protectionism.”
“In the last half-century, America faced an increasingly competitive global marketplace and a mounting trade deficit.”
“We begin with the premise that the world of international business is a dangerous place and that the management of the international business is the management of risk.”
“Today most people agree that no business is purely domestic and that global competition and world events affect even the smallest local firms.”
5. Business Law
Business Law by Henry Cheeseman
By teaching through real case studies and beautiful illustrations, Business Law engages readers and helps them to retain the core issues in national and international business law they will need for their careers.
The 10th Edition has been updated with a wealth of new cases from the US Supreme and Federal Courts for students to investigate, as well as new examples of ethical, environmental, and international law business legal cases.
Quotes from the Book;
“In the words of Judge Learned Hand, “Without law, we cannot live; only with it can we ensure the future which by right is ours. The best of men’s hopes are enmeshed in its success.”
“The law consists of rules that regulate the conduct of individuals, businesses, and other organizations in society.”
“The U.S. legal system is one of the most comprehensive, fair, and democratic systems of law ever developed and enforced.”
6. Business Law Basics

Business Law Basics: A Legal Handbook for Online Entrepreneurs and Startup Businesses by James Hart
Business Law Basics is an entry-level legal handbook for online entrepreneurs and startup businesses. Written by intellectual property and trademark lawyer James Hart, “BLB” begins with the stories of Fred and Sally, two e-commerce entrepreneurs with entrepreneurial dreams to break free from their 9-5 jobs.
Fred’s story ends in bankruptcy and illustrates many of the mistakes that the author has seen all too often from his entrepreneurial clients, while Sally creates a lasting and successful business by following good advice and covering all her legal bases along the way.
From there, Business Law Basics walks you through an extensive discussion of various legal entities, giving the pros and cons of each. You will learn how a properly structured legal entity can protect you legally and save you money at the same time.
So if you want to know more about sole proprietorships, partnerships, S and C-corporations, and Limited Liability Companies (LLCs), this is a tremendous resource.
Finally, you will find a value-packed list of the 10 most common mistakes made by entrepreneurs daily. From failing to plan to name issues, to not having contracts in place, this list has it all. If you want to know how to start an online business, specifically what NOT to do, then this is the perfect book for you.
So whether you are just starting out with your online business, or you are a seasoned entrepreneurial veteran, this legal handbook will have something in it that you can put to use in your own virtual business today.
Quotes from the Book;
“He who represents himself has a fool for a client.” – Abraham Lincoln”
7. Cengage Advantage Books: Law for Business
Cengage Advantage Books: Law for Business by John D. Ashcroft, Katherine Ashcroft, Martha Patterson
LAW FOR BUSINESS, 19E from Cengage Advantage Books provides a practical approach to law that emphasizes the current, relevant topics you need to succeed in business today.
Compelling cases throughout this edition highlight recent business challenges, such as trademark infringement, capacity to contract, agency, and employment-at-will.
In addition, timely coverage of business ethics and the law provides new insights into recent corporate scandals and indictments.
Popular legal authors Ashcroft, Ashcroft, and Patterson combine short chapters and a full-color design with real-world examples and applications. They integrate helpful Learning Objectives and optional online tools,
such as the MindTap learning system complete with legal videos, to make business law approachable, engaging, and applicable for your future success.
Quotes from the Book;
“The court system involves much more than just the various types of courts and the judges who preside over them.”
“Religious teachings, social mores, habits, and peer pressure all contribute to social control of conduct by various people, but only the rules of law apply with equal force to every member of society.”
“Intentionally causing confusion about another’s product can be a tort. This can be done by making false statements about another’s product or by representing goods or services as being the goods or services of someone else.”
“Trademarket or trade name infringement is unauthorized use or confusingly similar imitation of another’s mark or name. A trademark owner may get a court to halt anyone’s commercial use of the mark.”
8. Business Law
Throughout its 80 years of existence, this book has been a leader and an innovator in the fields of business law and the legal environment of business. One reason for the book’s success is its clear and comprehensive treatment of the standard topics that form the traditional business law curriculum.
Another reason is its responsiveness to changes in these traditional subjects and to new views about that curriculum. In 1976, this textbook was the first to inject regulatory materials into a business law textbook, defining the “legal environment” approach to business law.
Over the years, this textbook has also pioneered by introducing materials on business ethics, corporate social responsibility, global legal issues, and e-commerce law. The 16th Edition continues to emphasize change by integrating these four areas into its pedagogy
Quotes from the Book;
“Business law courses examine many substantive legal rules that tell us how to behave in business and in society.”
“The class action, allows one or more persons to sue on behalf of themselves and all others who have suffered similar harm from substantially the same wrong.”
“Lawsuits are not the only devices for resolving civil disputes. Nor are they always the best means of doing so.”
“Sometimes settlement of civil litigation is impeded because the litigants have vastly different perceptions about the merits of their cases.”
“The U.S. Constitution exhibits the principle of separation of powers by giving distinct powers to Congress, the president, and the federal courts.”
9. Law and Ethics in the Business Environment

Law and Ethics in the Business Environment by Terry Halbert, Elaine Ingulli
Climate change. Telematic surveillance. The gig economy. Transgender rights at work. Food security. Native advertising.
Now you can take a closer look at the hot topics impacting business law and ethics today as you examine real applications in the thought-provoking LAW AND ETHICS IN THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT, 9E.
This edition dives into current controversies and makes classroom discussions with your instructor and peers come alive. Content prompts you to carefully consider recent, important court cases, while readings challenge you to think critically about contemporary legal and ethical dilemmas.
Interactive assignments, such as role-play, mock trials, and negotiation exercises, sharpen your ability to tackle tough problems and communicate effectively.
Quotes from the Book;
“According to Locke and other natural rights theorists, individuals enter into society to preserve their lives, liberties, and properties.”
“While the Anglo-American tradition emphasizing individual freedom of choice is a major reason our legal system demands no duty to rescue, law professor Steven Heyman argues that recognition of a duty to rescue is in line with that very tradition.”
“Law is not a static phenomenon, yet in certain ways, it appears bounded and clear cut.”
“Through much of Western history, the most influential ethical reference point has been religious; the rules to be followed were God-authored and were “written on men’s hearts.”
10. The Three Pillar Model for Business Decisions

The Three Pillar Model for Business Decisions: Strategy, Law, and Ethics by George J. Siedel
The Three Pillar model originated in a leadership course that every Harvard MBA student takes before graduation. The Harvard course is based on three lenses of decision-making: economics, law, and ethics.
The Three Pillar model expands these lenses by replacing “economics” with “strategy.” With this change, the model becomes a powerful tool for personal and leadership decisions, as well as for business decisions.
This book takes you through four steps that enable you to use the Three Pillar model for business decisions:
Step One: Become a legally savvy leader. This does not require memorization of legal rules. Instead, you should understand how the law works in practice.
Various surveys have identified the key legal areas that every business leader should understand: product liability, employment law, government regulation, intellectual property, contracts, and dispute resolution.
This book provides briefings on each area and shows how they impact your key stakeholders: customers, employees, government, and investors.
Step Two: Become an effective risk manager. After your briefings on the law, you are now ready to focus on the Law Pillar. The Law Pillar emphasizes risk management. This book explains how to manage the legal risks that constitute the main threat to your business's success.
For example, the chapter on product liability will describe how to make strategic new product decisions, how to isolate product risks by creating subsidiaries, and how to design new products to minimize the risk of being sued for selling a defective product.
Step Three: Align the Strategy Pillar with the Law Pillar to create value. Many leaders think that there is an inherent tension between the Strategy Pillar, with its value creation orientation, and the Law Pillar, with its risk management orientation.
This book explains how you can overcome this tension and align the two pillars by focusing on the interests of each of your stakeholders. For example, by focusing on customer interests, a process designed to prevent product liability can be transformed into a powerful product development tool.
Step Four: Develop an ethical organization. Understanding the Ethics Pillar of decision-making enables you to play a leadership role in developing compliance and values standards for your organization.
This role requires that you “walk the talk” by using a principled process for making ethical decisions. By combining the Ethics Pillar with the Law Pillar and the Strategy Pillar, you can become a responsible corporate citizen while at the same time creating value for your shareholders and other stakeholders.
11. The Inside Counsel Revolution
The Inside Counsel Revolution: Resolving the Partner-Guardian Tension by Ben W. Heineman, Jr.
In the past 25 years, there has been a revolution in the legal profession. General Counsel and other inside lawyers have risen in quality, responsibility, power, and status.
Once second-class citizens in corporations and the legal profession, they have become core members of top corporate management, equaling in importance the Chief Financial Officer and the finance function.
Benjamin W. Heineman, Jr. has led that revolution in his nearly 20 years as the top lawyer at GE. In this analytic and prescriptive book, he describes the essence of that transformation and the modern role of inside counsel: the key functions, relationships, issues, problems, and dilemmas, and argues for the role of inside counsel as lawyer-statesman, motivated not just by the desire for income but by broader values of integrity and corporate citizenship.
12. The Entrepreneur's Guide to Law and Strategy
The Entrepreneur's Guide to Law and Strategy by Constance E. Bagley, Craig E. Dauchy
Business Insider calls The ENTREPRENEURS GUIDE perhaps the most useful business book you can ever read and lists it among twenty-five must-read books for entrepreneurs.
THE ENTREPRENEUR'S GUIDE TO LAW AND STRATEGY, 5E examines the stages of starting a business -- from start-up and growth to public offering while highlighting legal preparations and pitfalls.
Cutting-edge examples show how legally astute entrepreneurs can strategically increase realizable value, deploy resources, and manage risk. The book discusses leaving your job, hiring former coworkers, competing with a former employer, workplace legislation, product liability, and bankruptcy.
You examine current issues including today's workforce in the gig economy, crowdsourcing capital and social media, computer hacking, and identity theft. Legal discussion integrates with core strategic concepts, such as Porter's Five Forces, the resource-based view of the firm, the value proposition, activities in the value chain, and more.
Quotes from the Book;
“In a time of multiple “unicorns,” private companies with valuations in excess of $1 billion, including Airbnb, Snap, and Uber, entrepreneurship offers opportunities to build something enduring, to create good jobs, and to fill unmet financial, social, and material needs.”
“This area of law is exciting and challenging. Law not only constrains, but it also enables successful enterprise development.”
“Individuals start businesses for a number of reasons: to be their own boss, to pursue a passion, to help those who are less advantaged, to achieve financial rewards, to establish a new livelihood after corporate downsizing, to fill an unmet need with an innovative product or service, or to create something enduring.”
“Before starting a business, the would-be entrepreneur should consider the sacrifices-professional, financial, and personal-that will be required.”
13. Corporate Law
Corporate Law by Stephen Bainbridge
Many students find their Corporation Law class difficult because they do not understand the transactions giving rise to those cases. As with its predecessors, this third edition is intended to assist students by not only restating the law but also by putting the law into its business and financial context.
The pedagogy is up-to-date, with a strong emphasis on the doctrinal issues taught in today's Corporations classes. The text is highly readable: The style is simple, direct, and reader-friendly. Even when dealing with complicated economic or financial issues, the text seeks to make those issues readily accessible.
This new edition brings the material up-to-date with complete coverage of developments in both state corporate law and federal securities law.
Quotes from the Book;
“A leading legal dictionary defines the corporation as “an artificial person or legal entity created by or under the authority of the laws of a state or nation…”
“Although the corporation’s legal personality obviously is fiction, it is a very useful one.”
“Corporate securities, like all commodities, are traded in markets.”
“More than half of the corporations listed for trading on the New York Stock Exchange and nearly 60% of the Fortune 500 corporations are incorporated in Delaware.”
“The issuance and trading of stocks and other corporate securities were largely unregulated until the passage of the first state “blue sky law” by Kansas in 1911.”
14. Best Practices in Law Firm Business Development and Marketing
Best Practices in Law Firm Business Development and Marketing by Deborah Brightman Farone
Best Practices in Law Firm Business Development and Marketing is a unique resource for law firm leaders, practicing attorneys, legal marketers, consultants, and educators who want to uncover the best marketing practices in the legal profession.
Find out how the most successful law firm leaders are creating and developing firm cultures to encourage business development, and how smaller firms and single practitioners are executing marketing plans to make an impact.
This book uncovers the best practices in the wide arena of legal marketing and covers topics including:
- the most successful ways to create long-term relationships with clients
- how personalities, leadership, and collaboration contribute to a firm's culture and brand
- what characteristics management should look for when hiring a CMO
- how compensation, firm culture, training, and coaching can support and incentivize business development
- steps to take to build an individual reputation and brand, including the use of the press, speaking engagements, and social media
- the essential approach to support women lawyers with business development ― including ideas on networking, mentorship versus sponsorship, and authenticity in marketing
- how new technologies are being applied to deliver better service, attract clients, and generate business
- the important role of legal operations, the procurement professional, and legal process outsourcing
- practical methods for evaluating AI solutions to business needs such as billing, e-discovery, and technology-assisted review
Culled from scores of interviews with law firm leaders, chief marketing officers, and legal innovation visionaries, Best Practices provides actionable advice and real-world thinking.
Each chapter is filled with information that can be scaled to apply to single-person law practice as well as a large international law firm. In addition, the book features special “Think Pieces” from some of the nation's leading experts in legal marketing.
Quotes from the Book;
“Profound developments in the legal profession in the late 1970s paved the way for the emergence of the legal marketing industry.”
“Since the early days of legal marketing and legal media, we’ve seen the profession explode, with the success of numerous publications covering the law, the proliferation of rankings, and the battle among firms to differentiate themselves by building better websites, creating pitch materials, and utilizing business, competitive and even artificial intelligence.”
15. International Business Law and the Legal Environment
International Business Law and the Legal Environment: A Transactional Approach by Larry A. DiMatteo
International Business Law and the Legal Environment provides business students with a strong understanding of the legal principles that govern doing business internationally. Not merely about compliance, this book emphasizes how to use the law to create value and competitive advantage.
DiMatteo’s transactional approach walks students through key business transactions―from import and export, contracts, and finance to countertrade, dispute resolution, licensing, and more―giving them both context and demonstrating real-world application. This new edition also includes:
- New material on comparative contract and sales law & European private law; joint ventures and collaborative alliances.
- A new part on foreign direct investment that includes a chapter on emerging markets.
- New chapters on privacy law, and environmental concerns.
- Greater coverage of the World Trade Organization.
- "Case highlights" and court opinions that feature edited court transcripts that expose students to actual legal reasoning and an understanding of the underlying legal principles. These decisions are drawn from a broad range of countries, offering a truly international look at the subject.
Students of business law and international business courses will find DiMatteo’s clear writing style easy to follow. A companion website includes an instructor’s manual, PowerPoints, and other tools to provide additional support for students and instructors.
Quotes from the book;
“Businesspersons can avoid misunderstandings by following standard practices, custom, and trade usage to minimize the risks of legal disputes.”
“No company is too small to go global. In fact, nearly 30 percent of all U.S. exporters in 2005 had fewer than 19 employees, and many had fewer than five.”
“Trade finance and global banking have evolved to the point where buying and selling things internationally is routine, safe, and efficient. Reliable payment collection methods are numerous and include letters of credit through banks, credit cards, and online payments.”
“Different international markets have different levels of risks. Risks are identifiable, and there are numerous low-cost ways of minimizing such risks.”
“To be successful, international entrepreneurs and exporters must assess foreign markets through market research."
Law books have always been small and quiet. But when these non-statutory monographs are scattered in the humanities, social sciences, academics, and even deeply hidden in literature, they don't feel so aloof and esoteric.
Take a look at these above business law introductory books, I believe they will give you a different inspiration from popular reading.